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Protect AI-product logo-NB Defense-symbol-whiteNb defense

Secure Jupyter Notebooks

NB Defense ushers in the new category of MLSecOps to build a safer AI-powered world, and is the only Jupyter Notebook scanning tool available. It’s free to use, and runs in your Jupyter Notebook environment.

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An Industry-First Security Scanner for Jupyter Notebooks

Protect AI's NB Defense is the industry’s first security solution to address vulnerabilities in a core component used at the beginning of a machine learning experiment. NB Defense is a JupyterLab Extension as well as a CLI tool that enables you to apply a security-first approach throughout every step of your machine learning development.

Scan and Detect Vulnerabilities



API keys, private keys, authentication tokens, and other security credentials



Dependency vulnerabilities and exposures in ML OSS frameworks, libraries, and packages


3P Licenses

Non-permissive licenses in ML OSS frameworks, libraries, and packages 



Sensitive data and personally identifiable information

Key Features

NB Defense-Key features-Contextual guidance
NB Defense-Key features-Repository
NB Defense-Key features-CVE
NB Defense-Key features-Customizable Scanning_

Get Started with NB Defense

Check out our GitHub page to learn more and download

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